Warhammer papercraft model - scratch build - Assault ram mark 2
i am making a new version of the assault ram i made one about a year ago, using plasticard and it was hand cut.
this one is made from mount board a thick card and my laser cutter
main body
one of the side transport section
adding to the detail which is mostly build up in layers
picture of the details on the sides
undeside details
here we see where i am layering up the detial the edges arnt meeting so i have smoothed them down abit and make added a pannel to the design to cover up this messy area
pannel in place
now the engines are in place you cant see any of the construction behind them
same again in these areas the layering was looking messy so i have covered them up again
almost finished just needs a main cannon, the wings are stuck on with blue tac so they are drooped abit more then they should be